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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  March 14, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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 l. >> fourth reactor now open fire and released more radiation. people within 19 miles of the
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complex being urged to stay indoors. >> good evening. i'm dan. for the latest on the nuclear crisis and growing fear of a radioactive melt down here's diana reporting from the area. >> another explosion heard. this explosion was different. this time officials immediately warned everyone to stay away from the facility. the fear that radioactive material could seep out from the damaged reactor. we understand that others may be saying there may be damage or cracks. the response earned rare public rebuke from the prime minister. now they told reporters he was not officially informed of the explosion for an hour. and told the company pull yourself together. that was followed by reports of a fire at yet another reactor. resident being tested for radiation ex povrnlt authorities have distributed more than 200,000 iodine pills preventive measure for radiation sicknesses. the us forced to turn back. testing
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shows several sailors received a month worth of radiation within an hour. after passing through a radiated cloud. the constant anxiety over the ongoing nuclear crisis is hampering effort to rescue survivors who deliver supplies. increasingly the efforts are unsuccessful. >> our team l hasn't found anyone providing. >>reporter: since the third explosion there has been renewed push to take preventive measure for radiation exposure taking these radiation badges and start to darkened if the level of exposure rises. this is abc news, japan. >> she just mentioned iodine tablet. one pharmacy we spoke to in santa cruz says there they have been sold out of tablet because of concern about radiation. public health experts say there is very little risk of the radioactive material actually reaching california unless the disaster gets worse in japan. even then the public health threat probably we are told by experts
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would be very small. one expert at lawrence livermore lab told us tonight that particle from asia could reach the united states in about 80 hours but that depend on the jet stream. talk about the jet stream and weather pattern involved here we'll turn to our weather expert spencer christian who is watching that for us tonight. >> let me start by shoying the current position of the jet stream and let's talk about how useful the jet stream is as tool and weather forecasting. narrow band in powerful wind. steering current for the weather system and jet stream can be forceful with winds up to 300 miles per hour and much mild we are winds down to 100 miles per hour so that could cause moisture or weather system may take couple days or 3 or 4 days to move the distance of 5500 miles from japan all the way to the california coast. it would be virtually impossible for anyone to say how long would it take radioactive particle to travel that distance in the jet stream because scientist seem to be inconclusive in the
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approximately and japanese authorities are saying there is no large release of radioactive particle. only hope it is tru true. we'll keep watching for you. thanks dan. >> later on in the hour. one expert says radiation could spread across the pacific. he says it comes down to the worst case scenario for japan nuclear crisis. >> the core in several reactor get so hot they fuse into a molten mass that burst through the canement structure spewing radio activity into the water air and ground. >> unlike chernobyl japanese reactor are surrounded by 6 foot steel concrete containment vessel so multiple reactor melt down won't be as bad as chernobyl just an utter disaster. but if there were melt down the radiation may, may reach the united states. fire could be so hot that it would send radioactive particl particles carrying it across the pacific smooth snubing
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regulatory commission says even if it happened there is low likelihood any harmful radiation would reach the u.s. or territory but uncertainty could continue for week in scenario with no melt counsel but reactor not stabilized yet either. >> well the massive earthquake has now been upgraded to magnitude 9.0. making it the fourth largest quake ever recorded. death toll from the tsunami continues to rise as well. now stands at 2800 but thousands more are missing and feared dead. millions face a fourth night without food water or heat. japan coast line continues to be assaulted by after shock. latest 6.2. stock market index plunged over expected loss by japanese industry. japan central bank put 184 billion dollars in money market to protect the teetering economy. so for the people of japan this nightmare continues. diane sawyer is there with new
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pictures of the tunnel of water sweeping that the country. >> today of new way of seeing the raw power of tsunami. new image of neighborhood on the move. water swirling. smashing a community of homes. drivers taking refuge on top of the cars. and new sense of how quickly the tsunami struck. there was calm water. then warning siren. then moments later watch the water bubble. many the it takes it away. on the ground street after street a kind of twisted sculpture garden. this was the only way to get gasoline? throughout the city people apparently waiting. hours. for gasoline. lines stretching into infinity. >> waiting an hour and you waited as long as it takes. this is unbelievable. 500 cars
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and that will be it. l for a city this size. this is the city the size of 1 million people. >>reporter: other streets. other lines for food. >> how long have you been in line? approximately. >> 2 or 3 hours. >> do you have any water at home at all. >> absolutely not. none. nothing? pwhal do you want to buy. this young man came to buy any food that doesn't require water to cook it. the search. have you seen. do you know. husband on bicycle. looking for his missing wife showing her picture. and near us a rescue mission that got there too lat late. we watched as they recovered the body behind the blue tarp. but hope is revived by the near miraculous rescue like this man pulled out of the rubble and another 60 years old clinging to his roof top. ease floated 10 miles offshore. and
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these people stranded on the roof of a school looking down seeing something moving. a car filed mud and debris. people still alive. they alert the rescuers who find 3 elderly people in the car who had been stuck there for 20 hours. no food. no water. they pulled them out warmed them up. she says she was washed away by the waves. so afraid. >> reporting from japan. many bay area resident who were in japan during the earthquake now back home. some return on schedule. others had to cut their vacations short. lillian is in the newsroom tonight with more on that and a lillian they must be telling remarkable stories. >> people were eager to get back home. place was nothing like they ever felt and the experience they say was terrifying. flight from tokyo arrived at sfo late this afternoon. many passengers were greeted by their loved ones and reunion were quite emotional. we spoke to 2 women
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from dublin who had planned for a vacation in japan but decided to return to the bay area after only three days into their trip. they arrived in tokyo the day of the earthquake and 2 didn't want to stay any longer as they feared something bad was going to happen again. >> i think there is disaster could happen at any moment because the after shock kept coming. throughout the whole weekend that we were there it was there it keeps coming. >> ralph of sunnyvale returned yechltdz he was supposed to come back saturday but the highway at the airport were closed. he decided to fly out the next day out of osaka south of tokyo and it feels great to be back home. >> this is by far the most strongest earthquake i have ever spernsd. i grew up in the bay area. i have lived through all the earthquakes that have been here since the 60's. and this was tremendously worse and we were 300 miles away from the epicenter. still worse than
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any earthquake i have experienced in the bay area. >>reporter: ralph took photo of the aftermath in toke yochlt he could see smoke from the office window. he says many store shelves were empty as people bought as much as they could to stock up just in case. is lucky to fly out when he d.japan started rolling blackout that makes travel even more difficult. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. we are glad they are back. lillian thank you. >> relief efforts growing here in the bay area to help survivors of japan multiple disasters. laura has that story. >> i'll take suggestions. >>reporter: representative from more than 30 organizations met for brine storming session to decide how they can help best those suffering in japan disaster. >> approximately people want to donate clothing and food and what not but they get hung up no. delivery system right now. >>reporter: so far the relief evident raised more than 30,000 dollars. 100 percent of the
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money will good directly to those in need in japan. that's why this vacationing cup freely chicago stopped by to help. >> one of the things i heard is every dollar we give here will end up there and i wanted to make sure that everything we gave did end up in the happened of the people that needed it. much. >>reporter: shoppers at the hardware store also stopped by to do their part. owner again set out the collection jar almost immediately after the earthquake struck. >> jap fleece our nabs. they are very kind and compassionate people. and we share, we have a lot in common with the japanese least of which is earthquake problems. so it's easy to identify with the japanese and their struggle. >> i have been to japan and i pray for them every morning. >>reporter: this group of japanese passengers visiting california will return home to deliver their aid in person. >> not that much. won't go that far but even a couple days
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approximately for 30 people is greaten kurjt. >>reporter: fundraising for japanese relief done by large national organizations like the american red cross and salvation army. as of this afternoon salvation army reports they have collected nearly 1 million dollars. approximately 70,000 by text. the rest on line. this is abc 7 news. all right before we move on. for list of organizations taking donation for earthquake victims go to our web site and click on see it on tv. also information on how you can find missing loved ones in japan. more from japan later on in the hour but there is other news talk about tonight coming up thieves target a school over the weekend. they cause so much damage classes had to be cancelled. >> hundreds of south bay college students are up early ready to deliver an important message to state lawmakers. >> also. effort in one bay area city to put a stop to red lighthey marcel, watch this!
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hey marcel, watch this! [ buzzer sounds ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey marcel, watch this! yeah, marcel! -marcel! -hey marcel! are you listening to me? marcel!
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[ male announcer ] only at&t u-verse lets you follow your favorite channels on one screen. just $29 a month for the first 6 months. dvr included. in the network there are no hard choices. shouldn't be hard work shopping with nutrition in mind or cost more money. now there's simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. ♪ there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. ♪ and with our low prices,
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now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that's simple nutrition. ♪ that's ingredients for life. sad to say but students teachers at one school in east oak rand are used to break in. but one over the weekend at east oakland pride elementary went far beyond the usual burglary they have had before. we explain why. >>reporter: volunteers spent saturday morning painting this east oakland school yard. place where there's plenty of pride to go around but not much money for anything else. >> all we wait for today to see the face happy going to be to see all the games that we painted and the playground and the thieves took it away. from us. >>reporter: what they took at some point over the weekend is worth tens of thousands of dollars and so much more.
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there was a bank of new computers ripped right off the desk. just the old ones left behind. safe inside the principal office gone. overhead projector lap top phone system all stolen. but it doesn't end there. >> some things were taken but a lot breaking stuff for fun. >>reporter: 30 rooms in all vandalize. window smashed. metal cover bent like plastic. practically the whole building ransacked. most of the students went home for the day while police dusted for fingerprints and searched for clue. many at the school believe it was an inside job. the thieves broke in through a window above the teacher lounge and seemed to know exactly what they were looking for. >> we know they were here for a long time just because of the number of rooms they hit and the way some of the equipment that they took so obviously that is going to cause to you look more closely at the possibility that there was some connection but we can't say just yet. >>reporter: they pretty much ripped it all out and everything was everywhere on my
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rug. >>reporter: it has been a rough first year of teaching for miss ramirez. budget cut. lay off notices. shootings in the neighborhood. repeated break-ins and now this. >> really rough for them but again this is like their sanctuary. and now today when they came to school they realized you know what maybe it's not a safe place any more. that's what hurts us the most. >>reporter: well school workers say there have been about 10 break-ins here at this school site alobe in the past three years. there is no money for camera. no money for round the block security. in fact there is just one police officer to patrol all 100 school sites here in the oakland school district in the after hours. reporting in oakland, abc 7 news. thousands of students march on the state capitol today. trying to dissuade lawmakers from slashing california education budget. california faces total budget deficit of more than 26 billion dollars.
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governor brown proposed budget calls for trimming 400 million dollars from california community colleges. the uc california state university system also face potential cut cuts. >> i have 50 students in one class and when we have 50 students in one class we aren't able to get the one-on-one we can get in the programs and services and affected many students including myself. >> students protested outside the capitol and inside it appears budget negotiations have broken down between governor brown and group of republican senators. brown needs a handful of republicans to vote for his plan. includes putting a series of tax extensions on a state wide ballot in june. major sticking point of his proposal. >> well, you probably know about those camera number of bay area city use to catch people running red lights. maybe you can count them yourself n.daly city new legal challenge thaeng could have implication for drivers all over the state. hears of vick lee. >>reporter: thousands of tickets were dismissed last year from south san francisco
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after the city filed give adequate public notice of its red light cameras. >> this is the intersection. >>reporter: now attorney ellen mentalson is taking on daly city red light camera representing scott port nabbed at this intersection on john daly boulevard and pans heading east to the freeway kim of weeks ago. >> the only sign they have is up here heading west l but there is nothing east if south or north. >>reporter: there is this red light camera warning sign for westbound drivers on john daly boulevard. but he's right. there is none going east. which happens to lead to the freeway. state law says there must be signs that clearly indicate the system presence and advice toybl traffic approaching from all directions or signs at all major entrance to the city. city attorney zimmerman says the city has met those requirements. >> what is required is that
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they are at the entrance to the city. >>reporter: while there may be no sign eastbound on john daly zimmerman says there are 26 signs at the major entrance to daly city. there is another broader argument thathey are making which if they win this case, may have an impact on allred light camera in the state. the defendant says it violates his 6th amendment right to question witnesses in court. he points to traffic stops when you can confront an officer during your hearing but since this is a robo camera, mendelson says there is no way to do that. >> what we need is testimony from somebody who can say that the photograph is an accurate representation of what is shown in the photograph. >>reporter: as i remember man says it is inappropriate for her to comment on this aspect of the challenge. >> this is a pending case. judge can rule it otherwise. >>reporter: case goes to trial april first. this is 7 news.
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>> okay. well let's turn back over to expense tore talk about the weather forecast. sounds like as we hit spring st. patrick's day. >> first day of spring suchbilityd interesting week of weather. >> no luck of irish in terms of rain. >> dancing in rain drops on thursday. live view right now. not really at the moment but about will be in a few hours perhaps. from our roof top camera looking towards the transamerica building a much remainder of the downtown financial district here at san francisco we have clouds in the sky right now no. reports of rainfall hitting the ground at any of our reporting stations around the bay area right now. about there is ground clutter. not moisture in the atmosphere but overnight we'll see some rain develop. right now temperature readings are mainly upper 50's and pretty mild and remain so throughout the night no. cold weather tonight but we'll have more rain tomorrow periods of wet weather all week long. spring again on sunday.
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frequent showers falling this week. we have a high surf advice are i in effect until 11:00 o'clock tonight. big west northwest swell 13 to 15 feet. strong rip current are possible. minor coastal flooding possible. waves breaking at 14 to 16 feet so they are elevated but we expect them to continue lowering during overnight hours. satellite radar composite image approaching cold front bringing us the next batch of rainfall so we'll take a look at the wider expanse of the jet stream reaching across the pacific here. you can see we have storm system after storm system after storm system rising jet stream so we'll have period of rain the next several days showers and periods of rain. some of it light moderate some locally heavy. forecast animation at 11:00 o'clock tonight and during the overnight hours we see the showers more organized and 5:00 o'clock tomorrow morning beginning of our morning rush we see rainfall covering much of the forth bay and during later morning hours it will spread south and east 11:00 o'clock tomorrow morning and rainfall covering most of the
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bay area and some of it will be moderate maybe even locally heavy continuing and breaking up into showers during the late afternoon and early evening hours. showers will continue on tomorrow night and into wednesday and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. so the rainfall projection for total vary from very also to the south bay over the next 24 hours and east bay to moderate in the north bay about quarter inch to half inch generally in the north bay. perhaps up to 1 full inch of rain paul in the north bay mountain. overnight tonight as showers develop clouds thicken the temperatures will not drop much. low mainly in the low to mid 50's so very mild overnight period and pretty mite mild day tomorrow as well but soggy. wet and rainy. high pressure ranging from the north bay 50's low 60's then low to mid 60's over the remain customer of the bay area and farther south near monterey they see high in the low to mid 60's. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast and 7 day of pure joy rain tomorrow. showers on wednesday
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and thursday. again st. patrick's day on thursday. rain friday. showers over the weekend. notice how chilly on friday. continues through the wednesday and high pressure daytime only in the low to mid 50's friday and saturday so bit of pre-spring chill then sunday spring arrives and rain continues. >> messy week. >> a little bit of a messy week. flowers will grow. >> that's true. spring flower flowers. thanks very much. >> as we move on tonight. after day of clashes a convoy of troops enter bahrain. cross border war sparking fear among protestors and concerning the white house. >> after flack. >> plus why you may not be >> after flack. >> plus w[ ryan ] i got be this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did.
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[ ryan ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ so i used mine, to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. [ male announcer ] why do so many car companies compare themselves to toyota? maybe it's because toyota has more hybrids on the road than all other automakers combined. like the 50-mpg-rated prius, the best selling hybrid in america. and prius was also named a best overall value of the year. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we're #1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. ♪ pass. >> troops from saudi arabia and other gulf nations have crossed
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into bahrain after the tiny nation asked for help to shut down the unrest there. opposition group call the move an act of war. convoy of military vehicle drove into the capitol city today. yesterday police attacked a small camp of shi'a protestors with tear gas and rubber bill let. that raid pro joked fighting where the protestor seize control of much of the capitol financial district. that's when bahrain sunni monarchy asked for outside help. >> approximately look at ways to help them to diffuse the tension in bahrain and we have already sent roughly 500 of our approximately force. >>reporter: he appeared with clinton and she didn't mention the events in bahrain. united arab emirate dispatched 500 police officers but those numbers may grow. >> there are other country with
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support of bahrain government and to get calm and order in bahrain and help both the bahrain government and people to reach to solution which is for the best for bahrain people. >> white house made it clear today it doesn't consider the troop movement an invasion of bahrain. spokesperson says the united states is asking the monarchy to exercise restraint. bahrain is important u.s. ally naval fleet based there. united states is also concerned that iran will exploit the instability going on. protestors deny that they are being influenced by the shi'a ruled nation. suicide bomber has killed nearly 3 dozen people at army recruiting center in northern afghanistan. at least 42 people are hurt. many victims include children. taliban sent out text message to the media
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taking responsibility for the bombing. back home. comedian lost his job quacking on tv after sending out a series of offensive tweets. >> afflack afflack. >> afflack insurance fired comedian gilbert god forehead today as voice of signature duck. godfried tweeted several joke about his the earthquake and tsunami in japan. afflack said quote gilbert recent comments about the crisis in japan were lacking in humor and certainly do not represent the thoughts and feelings of any one at afflack. he was fired. while we are talking about sky pan, when we continues here mit. crisis at the japanese nuclear plant. how the situation there might impact the future of nuclear power in this country. >> also. japan tie to silicon valley. how the devastation there could impact delivery of high end product that are in such huge demand. >> the action that was that he
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performed p.m. under extreme stress deserves congressional medal of honor. >> plus the effort under way to get a korean war vet accolade long overdue. remarkable man and remarkable
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[ jerry ] look at this! you got a state-of-the-art man-cave, but the savings account of a cave-man!
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hey sports fans check this out. [ beep ] oops, my bad. earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! ooh, 3-d! instead of earning bupkus, your savings could be earning three times the national average! three times more. go online to what's in your wallet? what's this do? [ beeping ] ask. >> good evening once again. we begin the half hour with latest from japan. country nuclear safety agency says a fire at the nuclear power plant has been extinguished. however government officials are still warning people to stay indoors in case of radiation leaks. the massive earthquake has now upgraded to a 9.0magnitude, fourth largest quake in the world. ever recorded. today
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president obama pledged u.s. support. >> i want to reiterate america's support for the people of japan. approximately who are some of our closest friends and allies. and i said directly to the prime minister of japan, prime minister cohn the united states will continue to offer any assistance we can as japan recovers from multiple disasters. we will stand with the people of japan and difficult days ahead. >>reporter: the death toll from the tsunami continues to rise. now at 2800 but it is expected to rise perhaps by thousands. >> japan nuclear plant crisis is threatening the development of nuclear power around the globe. germany put off plans to extend the life of the nuclear facility and switzerland holding off on new plant there. mark tonight has the question an concerns about nuclear power in this country. >>reporter: earthquake in japan has thrust up the old
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debate over nuclear power. >> just political and economic reality is that it is bad news. >>reporter: head of uc berkeley energy resource group says nuclear engineer are on the defensive because they know what is happening in japan could jolt effort to stop the u.s. industry. they will require more safe guards and all of that adds up to more cost. >>reporter: 13 months ago the president promised 8 billion dollar federal loan guarantee for nuclear plant construction. >> that means building new generation of safe, clean, nuclear power plants in this country. [applause]. >>reporter: plans for total of 20 nuclear plants on the drawing board. concerns over global warming led the chargeback to carbon free nuclear power. major shift after the industry was stopped dead in 1979 with partial core melt down at pennsylvania 3 mile island. i asked nuclear engineer at uc berkeley how bad
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is the situation in japan. >> very similar in a way to what happened to 3 mile island. >>reporter: professor says that is good news because contamination from 3 mile island wasn't that bad. l unlikely political fall out will be the same because global warming was not a widely held concern in 1979. bit is too early to tell we still don't know how much damage there will be from the japanese reactors. we know there are 23 similar reactors around the country and when they come up for relistening safety concerns will almost certainly be raise raised. senior fellow for energy environment at the council for foreign relation says judging japan impact on u.s. nuclear power at this point is a little like looking at the rig explosion in the gulf three days after the event are he then trying to derl the offshore drilling. >> you saw a horrible environmental disaster, if you were pro drilling you look and saw there was still limited physical impact on the shores.
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>>reporter: gulf changed over time and consider gasoline over 4 dollars a gallon we talk more about gas prices now than we are about oil spills. very fluid situation with the nuclear power industry in this country and with the nuclear power crisis in japan. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. >> japan is the world third largest economy right behind america and china. the disaster in japan led to broad sell off in stock market. the did i know there fell almost 6 34 points or 6.2% of the valle valley. volatility of certain tech stock is reflection of the uncertainty facing company that use semiconductor made in japa japan. david has more on that. >>reporter: japan an important source of semiconductor for wide range of product. best known are smart phone and music players. those chips are also in the micro wave oven we use and washing machines. power
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outage and glitches in the transportation system in japan raised the specter of manufacturing and shipping interruption just as new smart phones are coming to market. >> consist ruption in the supply chain will slow down that production rate which may delay the availability of those products on the shelves for consumers and that will ripple through the entire industry. >>reporter: cost of flash memory already gone up between 16 and 20 percent. solid state storage used by many mp3 players and few notebook and lap top. h p new ceo spoke to investor conference in san francisco. this is h p corporate video oath haven't. this is rapidly evolving situation he said and it is difficult to determine at this time the impact to h p business. analyst tell abc 7 news that most of sky pan semiconductor plant are hundreds of miles to the south of the earthquake epi-center. plants such as this operate jointly by milpitas base sand
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disk and also to no daniel. >> transportation and logistics is in the country and continuity of power. it would be next. and then over the medium term looking into the approximately raw material and supply before that the factory relees on. >> these issues is primary. >> subject of technology. we continue tonight what team of engineers is using to locate a dozen vessels still unaccounted for in the santa cruz harbor. >> plus. how al qaeda is for in the santa cruz harbor. >> plus. how al qaeda is thinking about beauty tips a
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>> in crescent city recovery crew counted 50 vessels damaged including 15 sunk by the tsunami surge last friday after the japan earthquake. inner harbor is virtually destroyed. local fishing industry devastated by the damage. many of the boats fuel tank are leaking diesel. u.s. coast guard began oil booming operation in the harbor. crew concern that the diesel could impact marine life. >> now to the daniel caused here in the bay area for the tsunami september racing across
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the pacific by friday quake. millions of dollars in damage done at boat harbor in santa cruz. more now on that from done at boat harbor in santa cruz. more now on that from wayne. p.m. [ no audio] . >> santa cruz harbor had 10 hour warning but no one expected tsunami surge like the one that hit last friday. he and others watched their boat crossing the harbor back and forth. tearing away from dock. careening off of and into each other as energy from the tsunami bounced around the harbor like an echo. some people haven't even found -- e.our poll jichlt obviously having problems with wayne's report. but they are just still beginning to assess the damage at the boat harbor in santa cruz. >> we move on. we'll come back and get this sorted out. still to come tonight as we continue. what may be a long deserved honor for a man they call a true american hero. that story
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as the news at 9 continues. exactly what heçooooñ=óó
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>> we worked out with the problems back to the santa cruz boat harbor. damaged by the japanese earthquake.
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>> in santa cruz harbor this is a day of l pwhavl if. especially good questions for jody who watched the remains of the 30 foot cabin cruiser emerge. totalless and now he is homeless. >> if i had known that it was going to be more than a foot tsunami which was being predicted through the news and through the weather channel i would have easily taken my boat out to sea. >> he says santa cruz harbor had 10 hour warning but nobody expected tsunami surge like the one that hit last friday. he and others watched their boat crossing the harbor back and forth. tearing away from doc docks. careening off of and 52 each other as energy from the tsunami bounced around the harbor like an echo. some people haven't even found their boats yet. >> as far as i can tell under a bridge somewhere. >>reporter: latest tally 17 million dollars damage and rising to the port infrastructure. 18 boat sunk. 12 still mission. more than 100 damaged. today state county officials survey the harbor that still looks more
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like a jig saw puzzle of boat part in places. area had with stood tsunami as recently as last year but in this case they say the waves lined up perfectly l through the port entrance. >> direction of the surge was pretty much of about gun sight from the get go. >>reporter: nobody toll the boat owners that. if only they had then they could have empty the place out. >> after the water started sucking out i realize it was going to be a lot more extreme and what we previously had been through. >>reporter: more severe for some than others. no, not as extreme as japan. but for some people here, almost as devastating. >> now we have this little intimate connection with those people over there which is kind of weird. >>reporter: there you have another look at the one boat they have been able to pull out of the harbor today. for all we know there may be 17 or even more still under the waves. it will take awhile to get this place cleared. port is hoping
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maybe by sunday. from santa cruz, abc 7 news. >> as strange as it sounds al qaeda has come out with a woman's magazine. dubbed the jihad cosmo the terrorist organization calls the magazine the gentleman jess particular woman and fashion tip with vice on suicide bowling. 31 page magazine advises women on how to land and marry app muslim warrior, freedom fighter or terrorist. >> campaign under way to award the nation highest medal for valor to marine with bay area tie. he 43 ed thousands of marines in a ballots in the korean war. >> burn in san francisco 85-year-old kurt lee is being hailed an american hero. recognition these marines and many others say is long overdu overdue. >> precht avoided lime light for 60 years. if we had not invited him to come to san
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francisco so that we can honor him in a variety of venues, most of it would have never known him and would have been a great tragedy. >>reporter: second lieutenant lee was sent to south korea to repel a surge of chip he's troops that joined with north korea. this is video from the original uncommon courage break out. lee was the first chinese american regular marine officer at the ballots for chosen reservoir one unit endured heavy fire for 4 days and 5 nights. >> we would send one battalion if cross almost impassable mountain terrain approximately behind the lines towards this bee leaguered unit called fox company. >>reporter: lee led that battalion. conditions were extreme. temperature plunge to 38 degrees below zero. former congressman and fellow marine l
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pete was there. >> he led battalion through the snow with thousands of chinese on either side and got through the hills and over the hills and relieved fox company and saved that pass that allowed the whole division to get out. >>reporter: lee leadership saved 8,000 men from death or capture. he also left also doubt about his bravery. lee led his men wearing bright cloth meant to help air support unit distinguish between his men and the enemy. >> i wore one of the red panel around my neck. men could see me. p.m. enemy saw me too. so what. >>reporter: retired general recalled a conversation with lee commander at the reservoir giving lee the ultimate accolade. >> that says a lot for dave who is won the thief cross in world war ii. medal of honor in the reservoir to call one of the lieutenant bravest marine he
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ever new. >> american legion post which invited lee home for a series of recognition events is now advocating he 7 one more medal besides the silver star and navy cross. >> pevl that he performed extreme stress deserves congressional medal of honor. >>reporter: a native san francisco and an american hero, david lou 7 news. >> he sure looks good. >> fabulous. >> let's talk to spencer again about the forecast. >> here's look at the 7 day forecast. tells us the whole story over the next 7 days. wechlt rain tomorrow. showers wednesday and thursday which happens to be st. patrick's da day. rain again oiday. cooling down sharply on friday. high pressure friday saturday only in the low to mid 50's. showers through the weekend. even through the if is day of spring which is sunday. >> thanks very much. >> larry is here basketball to talk about tonight. >> yes. show down between the
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kings who might not northbound sack ton much longer. >> warrior final trip to the state capitol maybe. al has his best game for golden state3q you know, and this is the next generation of air fresheners from air wick; powered by 100% natural propellants for a cleaner fragrance experience. come see how refreshing, a fresh scent can be.
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>> coming up tonight at 11. while little chance of nuclear cloud reaching the u.s, see what some people are stocking up on here just in case. and warning today from california about the growing tension debt. those stories and more coming up on 7 at 11 over on channel 7. but larry here to talk some
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kings warriors tonight. >> maybe the finale. warriors could be playing the final game ever in sacramento kings franchise colonel move after this season. may go to anaheim. this might have been it tonight. finale in the state capitol not so happy 23rd birthday for curry. blown out early. thornton career night. steal and dunk. williams wide open 3. air ball it. typical of the way the night went. warriors down 25 in a flash. thornton had 42. well, warriors have a thornton also. al join the team. block on one end. run out. acrobatic finish. 23 for the newest warrior. they are within l 12 123-110. dream shade with al. kings slam the door. garcia 3 ball corner pocket. 129-119. the kings get the victory tonight in sacramento. with 13 games left in the regular season the sharks are thinking play off and tonight they face
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the team that beat them in the west final a year ago. chicag chicago. blackhawk then and he learned how san jose felt last year. game started for the sharks. joe with shark on the 2 man advantage. 1 nothing. less than 2 minutes in. later in the first. patty 1 on 2 pin against the board and to thornton. sharks on top 2-1 but the blackhawk blitz the men in teal with 4 straight goal. approximately yanked. replacement. did not fare any better. nicholas approximately love it. chicago scores 5 goals in they pull out to win 6-3. this is potential disaster for the a's spring training. all star closer bailey left today cactus league game with an elbow injury. lack at the video her here. this doesn't look good. bailey had surgery last year to remove bone chip and spur in the elbow. second appearance in the spring against the indian fast ball in the 7th inning and wins in pain. the
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manager said had he forearm tightness. he will be examined by specialist. huge day from chris carter. waiting for him to break out. blast there. carter 2 homer today. but comes in a loss and cost the closer as well. sandoval both deep for the giants. lose however to milwaukee 12-8. cane this is good news on the pitching front because cane was coming off some elbow inflammation 3 scoreless. jeff roughed up allowed 5 earned runs in just one inning. after getting the royal shaft from the ncaa selection committee yesterday st. mary's coach bennett suggested going to some kind of bcs type math formula to pick team for the tournamen tournament. very least get somebody who actually once dribbled the basketball involved in the process of picking teams. won 25 games. co-champ but the committee didn't value the temperatures at all. late 3 game losing
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streak and really bad loss against san diego killed the hopes there. selection committee is comprised of 10 administrators. they botched a number of picks yesterday. st. mary's among them. they had a rating index of 45 but got snund. >> some teams get a 65, 69 r p i and from a big kovrnlts find a way to make an excuse to get them. whereas from our conference they are not going to flip flop that. we won't get the same deal. so p.m. to me p that's not right. go by the numbers. >>reporter: approximately randy not happy and he has a reason to be up z.much happier stanford this afternoon. one seed in the women tournament this afternoon. west bracket spokane regional. stanford 29 and two won 23 in a row. host big west champ uc dave thinks saturday 3:30 in the afternoon at maple pavilion.
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>> i'm really proud of this group. this is a team that many you know i think is really a special team and we are going to give it our salute best shot. >> really exited. always great this time of year is always great no matter who is in the region. i'm just really l excited to see how well our team plays. i think they can go far. >> this is going far. indiana state high school basketball. seconds left. tie at 61 but metro approximately graves there 3 quarter court. good tonight game over drive home safely. metro beats shaw open miracle he have 64-61. >> that's cool. >> good stuff. >> he should get 4 points for. that that's this edition of 7 news at 9:00. for all of us here thanks for watching. we appreciate your time and hope to see you again in


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